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czwartek, 9 marca 2023

3072. Have a cup of tea with!


Today is time for a cup of tea.

Here is, an online store with many kind of tea, such as: oolong tea, green tea, black tea, flower tea or Pu erh tea. Those teas are truly unique; their taste is really awesome, full of wonderful flawors. What is more, all those teas are always fresh and made with high quality. This shop is widely known and has thousands of customers from all over the world! The team consists of very creative and clever people, who are very helpful and friendly for their customers. They can give you a lot off tea tips and present to you all shop staff. Their products are slso personalized and hand-crafted according to your specific design and request. I am sure that with those little helpers, you can find your dream tea! 

In you can find also amazing traditional tea cup set. All those items are in different colors and sizes from small to big; you can choose the material (glass, porcelain, ceramic), the color (from transparent to black), and the design (lines, flowers, pots) of your perfect tea set.

That set will be perfect for a gift or for everyday use. You can choose between glass set, ceramic, silikon or purple sand. Personally I am in love with those ceramic cups. They look absolutely gorgeus and their designs are so pretty. They also look very comfortable in using, because they are handful and small (it can contain 160 ml of any edible liquid). I can image a small garden party with all my friends who will be using those tea cups!

The second set that I like is modern japanese tea set

This set abowe looks very elegant and luxurious. It is made with crucial white porcelain with a marbling disign which apears awe inspiring and beautiful. This set consist of tea tray, several tea cups (200 ml each) and teaspot (1200 ml). I am sure that this set will be perfect for more spectacular ocassions such as wedding, fashion show or formal lunch.

In everything is simple; you can easily make and order and pay in many ways (for example via PayPal or credit cart).
What is more you can also make an order from all over the world. 
If you are not satisfied you can easily return or exchange the item(s) within 30 days from the day you have received your order and in its original condition.

Do you like those items above from

Kathy Leonia

21 komentarzy:

  1. Wow, jakie piękne. Taką kawkę to można pić.

  2. Beautiful cups, very elegant! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Dzień dobry, przyszłam na herbatkę :)

  4. Bardzo ładne, skromne, ale jakże eleganckie!

  5. Hola! gracias por la información,no lo conocía, me parecen unas tazas preciosas. Besos

  6. Kubki średnio, ale nabrałam ochoty na herbatę. :)

  7. Fajne zestawy. Swoją drogą, herbata to mój ulubiony napój. :)

  8. Qué bonito todo, así da gusto servirse un té,

  9. Wow, jakie fajne kubeczki :)
    Prawdziwe cudeńka :)

  10. Lindas tazas . Me gustaron las dos primeras. Te mando un beso.

  11. I love tea and this cups are really beautiful!

  12. Herbaciane cuda, uwielbiam ładną ceramikę i kulturę picia napoju z teiną. ;)

  13. Niezwykle stylowe kubeczki. Chcę takie :)

  14. No, no, no. Kathy Leonia "poszła" w piękną porcelanę ;)



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