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środa, 20 lipca 2022

4 Underwear You'll Want to Wear All Summer


Summer is eagerly awaited not only because it is the season of festivals, but

also because summer fashion trends are always colorful and fun. You may be

ready to revamp your fashion style for the summer that is peeking at the end of

the road, but don't forget one thing that is no less important, ladies. Choosing

underwear for summer!

It becomes more tricky when choosing comfortable underwear for summer

when compared to normal days. You may want to avoid some fabrics that can

make your skin more sultry and uncomfortable. Also pay attention to the size of

the underwear that fits your size. Undergarments that are too tight may make

your skin itchy and irritated, while those that are too loose can bring discomfort.

If you're still confused about what underwear to wear in the summer, well,

you're in the right room. Below is a list of the top 4 underwears that are perfect

for you to wear all summer long!

1. Smooth And Comfy Underwear

As already mentioned, the choice of underwear material is an important point to

get maximum comfort when wearing the underwear itself. In summer, choose

bras and panties that are made of smooth and lightweight materials, absorb

sweat, and have soft fabric fibers. To support your daily activities, it's better if

you pick seamless underwear to wear when the weather is hot. Underwear with

a seamless finish minimizes the risk of itching and skin irritation. In addition,

seamless underwear will also be invisible even if you are wearing tight clothes.

Besides a comfy bra, you are also advised to wear a best women thong in the

summer. These minimalist design panties are not only sexy but will also make

you more comfortable because the humidity in your intimate area will always be

maintained and you are free from itching.

Light Colored Underwear

When the weather gets hotter, choosing the color of clothes is another important

thing that you can't ignore. This is because there are colors that absorb heat

while others don't absorb much heat. According to the Huntsman Cancer

Institute, dark colors absorb more sunlight than light colors. So, to make your

skin cooler, you should choose underwear with light colors and avoid dark

colors. You can opt light colors such as white, nude and pink.

AirWear Free Cut Thong

3. Odor-Resistant Underwear

Hot weather will make us sweat more easily and, of course, the risk of causing

body odor is greater. Especially if you like sports, running, the gym or cycling,

it is advisable to choose a sports bra with antibacterial and anti-odor features.

An underwear brand, Cosmolle, even makes the most comfortable bra with

breathable materials through 3D Printing technology to keep air circulation

between the bra fabric and your skin well maintained. Apart from preventing

odors, it also keeps your skin dry, feeling cool and breathing freely.

Multifunctional Underwear

AirWear Wireless Super Comfortable Bra Gift Box

When you're running out of ideas for your summer outfit, why not wear your

bra as a bra top? This has been a trend among fashion influencers for quite some

time now. A bra top combined with a see-through outer or a loose shirt will be

perfect to accompany your hangout. Or wear a jacket over your bra and pair it

with leggings for casual sporty outfits. You can go for a lightweight wireless bra

that not only has the ability to support your breasts very well but can also give

beautiful curves and lift your breasts perfectly. If you can look stylish and

comfortable at the same time, why not?

Having fun days in summer can be started by choosing the right underwear.

Make sure you choose the 4 underwears above to make you feel comfortable

and confident in your activities during the summer!

Kathy Leonia

19 komentarzy:

  1. Ten różowy komplecik bardzo ładnie wygląda.

  2. Thank you, Kathy! I've found your comment in the spam of my Cats' Blog.

  3. Fajne kompleciki. Bardzo mi się podobają.

  4. It's just the kind of clothes that I love!

  5. Yes, those bra tops are trending. Um, thongs. just not gonna.

  6. Fajne są te biustonosze 😀

  7. Great choices ❤ perfect for Summer

  8. mocny temat, kto takich nie lubi? :)

  9. Bezszwowa bielizna to idealny wybór na lato :)

  10. Boa noite minha querida amiga. Passando para desejar uma excelente quarta-feira.

  11. Ciekawe i praktyczne propozycje. Pozdrawiam :)

  12. Gracias por la recomendación te mando un beso.

  13. Wyglądają na bardzo wygodne 😊

  14. Tak staniki sportowe to ideal lata :)

  15. aw....sometimes i want to try the pink undies dear. maybe it looks so sexy for my skin. Thanks for your review..

  16. Thanks for your reference, it's look comfortable to wear



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